Sessione 23 - Reforming Welfare States in Changing Capitalist Economies: Towards a Multidisciplinary Approach
Coordinatori / Coordinatrici di sessione: Sabrina Colombo (Università degli Studi di Milano), David Natali (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa)
European countries are facing changing social risks and economic challenges at the same time. Policy makers are thus becoming increasingly concerned on the one hand, with improving the adequacy of welfare states; while, on the other, with increasing the national economic competitiveness (also through welfare reforms). This tow-fold priority remind us of two strands of the literature that have developed in parallel with some overlapping: the literature on welfare regimes and the one on varieties of capitalism. Both look at the evolution of welfare capitalist systems, yet from two different angles.
The session aims to collect the main theoretical, analytical and empirical challenges the socio-economic reforms through a multidisciplinary approach. Contributions from political scientists, sociologists and economists are welcomed, as well as those from different fields of research (e.g. analysist of social policy; industrial relations; etc.).
Taking inspiration from the seminal works in the field – as for Italy is concerned, we mention the old work by Ferrera and Gualmini – we aim at taking stoke of recent attempts to analyse the nexus between economic and social policies with reference to the Italian case as well as other European countries and/or through the comparative lenses.
Accepted paper:
- Labour market inclusion of people with limited capabilities for work in Finlan di Sanna Kärkkäinen, Merita Mesiäislehto, Netta Tuominen (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare)
- Italian Public Administration capacity between decline and attempted reforms di Tommaso Sacconi (Scuola Normale Superiore)
- Varieties of Ideology in European Welfare State di Davide Orsitto (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna)
- Modelli di crescita in Europa: una proposta di cluster di Emmanuele Pavolini (Università di Macerata)
- Welfare e RI. Ragionando su tendenze recenti di Ida Regalia (Università degli Studi di Milano)