Sessione 22 - New directions in poverty research: policies, conceptualizations and methods
Coordinatori / Coordinatrici di sessione: Rune Halvorsen (Università metropolitana di Oslo), Mi Ah Schoyen (Università metropolitana di Oslo)
Poverty is a multifaceted and complex phenomenon that all welfare states seek to mitigate in various ways. At the same time, the nature and consequences of poverty and, as a result, what policy responses are needed to address it, remain contested. In recent years much poverty research has centred on the consequences of different forms of income support in combination with labour market activation efforts, while claimants’ experiences of intersectional disadvantages, agency, autonomy and wellbeing, and life-course trajectories have received less attention. The application of an intersectional approach to empirical scrutiny in the field of social policy and in particular to the take up of social rights is well overdue.
Accepted paper:
- Fiscal impoverishment in Italy: An historical perspective di Emanuela Struffolino (Università degli Studi di Milano), Manuel Schechtl (Stone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality – CUNY)
- In-Work Poverty and ECEC Take-Up in Italy: A Multi-Level Analysis of Inequalities di Giovanni Amerigo Giuliani (Università di Bologna), Nicola De Luigi (Università di Bologna), Claudia Colombarolli (Università di Bologna)
- Equivalence Scales for Measuring In-Work Poverty in Europe di Claudia Colombarolli (University of Bologna), Marianna Filandri (Università degli Studi di Torino)
- Addressing the local dimension into EU Measures of Poverty: regional incomes and housing costs di Stefano Filauro (Università Bocconi), Zachary Parolin (Università Bocconi)
- Poverty regimes: a new analytical approach to the study of poverty di David Benassi (Università di Milano Bicocca), Enrica Morlicchio (University of Naples Federico II)
Contributed paper:
- Is the access to activation programs still gendered? Welfare recipients and public employment services from 2008 to 2019 di Veronika Knize (Institute for Employment Research)
- Policies for the elimination of extreme Poverty in Greece of multiple crises: The case of the Guaranteed Minimum Income di Andreas Feronas (University of Peloponnese), Nikolaos Kourachanis (Panteion University)
- Educational Poverty and Social Impact Assessment. The SROI evaluation of a project against educational poverty in Rome (2018-2021): lessons learned for future policies di Cristiana Di Pietro (Libera Università Maria SS Assunta, Roma)
- The struggle against poverty after the pandemic: comparing the adequacy and effectiveness of social assistance in Europe di Giovanni Gallo (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Massimo Baldini (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Gianluca Busilacchi (University of Macerata)