Sessione 24 - Contrasting the reproduction of segregation in the school system. How fostering educational inclusion and quality in highly polarized and unequal societies?
Coordinatori / Coordinatrici di sessione: Marta Cordini (Politecnico di Milano), Carlotta Caciagli (Politecnico di Milano)
School systems in Europe are plagued by inequality, that, despite the different levels among countries and contexts, remains a serious issue to be tackled by educational policies. One aspect of this inequality is the range and kind of educational opportunities that are available to diverse households, creating a divide not only among households but also among schools. One challenge of educational policies is shortening the distance between the better-off schools and the disadvantaged ones, fighting dynamics of school segregation, and stigmatization, and promoting more inclusive education systems. The increasing complexity and polarization characterizing the society not only are mirrored by the school system but also demand schools to promote more heterogeneity, diversification, and targeted answers, simultaneously granting a qualified offer and a high performance also in those schools featured by social issues and high risk of educational poverty. To go in this direction, it is not sufficient to examine and interrogate the school system, it is rather worthy to account for the interrelation between schools, socio-spatial features of territories in which schools are embedded and socioeconomic profiles of families involved in the schooling processes.
Accepted paper:
- Inequality of Educational Opportunity in Switzerland: Exploring Regional Differences and Institutional Factors di Rita Schmut (University of Lausanne)
- The Relevance of Neighbourhood of Residence in Shaping the School Choice in a Quasi-Market Educational System. the Case of Milan di Andrea Parma (Politecnico di Milano)
- Educational crisis plans: explaining access policy-making in Italy (1996-2023) di Astrid Favella (La Sapienza Università di Roma)
- Enhancing Resilience and Social Alliances: Exploring the Sociological Impact of a Positive School Climate on Educational Communities and Peripheral Territories di Sabrina Girardi (Università degli Studi di Bari), Paola D’Elia (Università di Chieti e Pescara)