Sessione 1 - The policy construction of learning outcomes and educational (under)achievement: macro- and micro-level perspectives
Coordinatori/coordinatrici di sessione: Eduardo Barberis (Università degli Studi di Urbino ‘Carlo Bo’) -
Education inequalities are key to shaping individuals' participation and outcomes in different life spheres (e.g., employment, civil society) and their long-term well-being. Over the last two decades, learning outcomes have become ubiquitous in education policy and practice across EU and OECD countries. They guide the definition of education and training curricula and are used as benchmarks to measure countries' and learner groups' (under)achievement. Yet, learning outcomes are far from neutral descriptors of individuals' competencies. Rather, they are constructed through the interplay of multiple dimensions of individuals' background and positionality. Intersecting social inequalities, such as those related to socio-economic background, gender, ethnicity, spatial location and (im)mobility, and so-called 'special educational needs and disabilities', substantially shape learners’ pathways and outcomes. Concurrently, the very conceptualisation of learning outcomes in education policies and strategies can play a role in the reproduction and crystallisation of this stratification.
In this session, we want to bring together different perspectives on the construction of learning outcomes and (under)achievement within education policymaking and its individual level impact. We aim to address both macro-level outlooks exploring how educational (under)achievement is produced and reproduced through education policies defining learning outcomes, and micro-level perspectives on how such measures are experienced and reframed by individuals facing intersectional inequalities in their learning pathways. Therefore, we welcome contributions from various disciplines, angles and methodologies, especially - though not exclusively - encouraging the following:
- Mixed-methods studies combining breadth and depth of information;
- Cross-country and within-country comparative research;
- In-depth field research on case studies of topical interest;
- Research that brings together the perspectives of the different actors involved in the construction of learning outcomes;
- Theoretically grounded empirical studies with relevant policy implications;
- Research aiming to bridge macro and micro-level perspectives on educational inequalities.
Short descriptions of learning outcomes for publication on databases/registers of qualifications:
main outcomes of an European EQF Advisory group project
Michela Bastianelli INAPP (Istituto Nazionale per le politiche pubbliche)
The effect of the structure of secondary education in Europe: A perspective in terms of
effectiveness and equity
Orazio Giancola (University of Rome La Sapienza); Matteo Bonanni (University of Rome La
Sapienza); Iacopo Moreschini (Indipendent Researcher)
The Halo Effect in the Classroom: Do Similar Students Receive Higher Grades?
JulianaBernhofer (University of Bologna); Maria Cristina D'Aguanno (University of Modena and
Reggio Emilia); Giovanni Gallo (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
Territorial Configurations of Learning and School‐to‐Work Outcomes in Europe
Yuri Kazepov (University of Wien); Ruggero Cefalo (University of Wien); Rosario Scandurra
(Universitat Obierta de Cataluna)
School track choice, low performing and job expectation: an analysis of the chain effect
Marialuisa Villani (University of Bologna); Orazio Giancola (University of Rome La Sapienza)