Sessione 36 - Disability welfare policies towards UN Convention for persons with disabilities: challenges at local and national level
Coordinatori / Coordinatrici di sessione: Angela Genova (Università di Urbino), Alice Scavarda (Università di Torino), Maria Swiatkiewicz Mosny
Disability welfare policies in Europe have been involved in a broader transition towards the principles and the approach of the UN Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the related EU policy framework. What are the main characteristics of this reform process in disability welfare policies? What are the main challenges towards a convergent process in European countries? What are the challenges towards such convergent trend considering the regional and municipality context at national level? How is this process in line with equity and the maintenance of economic-financial, but also social, political and environmental sustainability? The session calls for discussion on implementation process of UN Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in comparative perspective at European level, but also at national level adopting a comparative perspective between regions or local contexts. Moreover, case studies will be also considered for in-depth analysis discussion. Bearing in mind how Covid-19 health surveillance has limited the rights of all persons, the session aims at discussing its impact in different European countries as well as in different local Italian contexts. What have been the main changes in welfare services during the Covid-19 pandemic? Do they have led to new forms of segregation, hindering full participation of persons with disabilities in society on an equal basis with others? Or Covid-19 pandemic has pushed further the process of implementing the UN Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)?
Accepted paper:
- Between crisis and pandemic. The role of ICT in the Roman university context: evidences in relation to the UN convention di Carlotta Antonelli (La Sapienza Università di Roma)
- Le politiche residenziali delle persone disabili di Marta Migliosi (Università di Urbino)
- Disabilità, affettività e sessualità: un tema Tabù? di Luca Fossarello (Azienda Sanitaria Territoriale Marche)
- Il modello toscano di valutazione e presa in carico delle persone con disabilità centrato sulla partecipazione. Primi risultati da una ricerca empirica di Andrea Bilotti (Università Roma Tre), Caterina Degl'Innocenti (Università Roma Tre)
- Il monitoraggio della Convenzione ONU e lo sviluppo della statistica ufficiale di Sara Corradini (Istat), Alessandra Battisti (Istat)
- Le persone con disabilità e l’uso dell’ITC, una sfida verso l’equità: la realtà italiana di Claudia Di Priamo (Istat), Elisabetta Del Bufalo (Istat)
- Eguaglianza nell’autodeterminazione e nella vita indipendente delle persone con disabilità di Alessandra Battisti (Istat), Lucia Martinez (Istat), Claudia Di Priamo (Istat)
- Persone con disabilità e piani personalizzati di Marco Espa (Abc Italia), Francesca Palmas (Abc Italia)
Contributed paper:
- Regional differences in welfare disability services di Anna Bellotti (Università di Urbino)