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Sessione 8 - Towards an eco-social welfare state? The policy and politics of a just and green transition

Coordinatori / Coordinatrici di sessione: Benedetta Cotta (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa), Ekaterina Domorenok (Università degli Studi di Padova), Bianca Luna Fabris (European Trade Union Institute & University of Edinburgh), Matteo Mandelli (Università degli Studi di Milano)

The scholarly debate on climate change has largely focused on the ecological feasibility of maintaining the current profit-oriented model of economic growth, pitting “green growth” and “ecological modernization” against “post-growth”. Yet, the role of the welfare state in addressing the new social risks that both the climate crisis and green transitions are inevitably expected to generate remains to be explored and understood.

Due to their inherent complementarity with economic growth, traditional welfare models in the Global North have a high ecological footprint, though they can also provide effective tools to prevent and react to the afore-mentioned new risks, particularly through eco-social policies. The welfare-environmental polices nexus has recently become the center of attention for scholars elaborating on two emerging concepts: “sustainable welfare” and “just transition”. However, further theoretical, and empirical efforts are needed to bridge multiple knowledge gaps in this field. What remains to be explored is, first, how different welfare regimes will interact with environmental institutions, potentially giving rise to “eco-welfare” states; and, second, whether socio-political agents (political parties, trade unions, firms, civil society organizations and social movements) will promote a just transition by forming new coalitions or, rather, if the green transition will instead fuel new conflicts.


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