

081 2533912

Sessione 7 - Turn and face the strange: labour Regulation and Income Maintenance Policies Change in Southern Europe

Coordinatori di sessione: Rui Branco (Università Nova di Lisbona), Marcello Natili (Università di Milano)

Labour and income maintenance policies in Southern European countries have traditionally clustered around a set of distinctive features such as (i) pervasive labour market segmentation; (ii) social expenditure levels in real terms lower than the European average; (iii) a cash transfer bias resulting in low expenditure in ‘social investment’ services; (iv) comparatively underdeveloped needs-based minimum income protection. Overall, catch-up convergence towards the European average gave way to renewed divergence during the crisis. Starting with Great Recession through to the COVID-19 global pandemic, and to the recent inflationary crisis, Southern European labour markets went from institutional deregulation to internal devaluation, becoming along the way more insecure and unequal, aggravating existing and deeply-rooted socio-economic inequalities. At the same time, all four countries experienced a significant overhaul of their political systems, due in particular to the emergence and/or the significant growth of parties to the left of social democracy and of new radical right parties, promising a new labour and/or welfare model, often gaining important government positions. All the while, important labour market reforms were introduced, while the centre-left met variegated fortunes, sometimes collapsing, others taking office in innovative, broad center/left coalitions.


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